• Student Life


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    2024 2025 Spirit Week

    Girls Division

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    2024 2025 Spirit Week

    Boys Division

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    Class of 2025 Ring Day

    Girls Division

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    Class of 2025 Ring Day

    Boys Division

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    2024 NHS Induction

    Girls Division

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    2024 NHS Induction

    Boys Division

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    2022 - 2023 St. Mary's Club Guide

    Click HERE to view St. Mary's Club Guide

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    2022 Senior Retreat

  • Student Council

    Class of 2027 Student Council - Boys Division

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    Class President

    Emanuel Taylor

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    Class Vice President 

    Samuel Blair

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    Class Representative

    Amare Haynes

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    Class Representative

    Jamie Stewart

  • Student Council

    Class of 2027 Student Council - Girls Division

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    Class President

    Elizabeth Ayar

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    Class Vice President 

    Jessica Asmussen

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    Class Secretary

    Reese Bacall

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    Class Treasurer

    Chloe Naoumi

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    Class Historian

    Eva D'Agostino

  • Student Life


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    Our Faith: The Center of Who We Are and What We Do

    St. Mary’s Preparatory is a Catholic community, and we take great pride in the love and faith that we have. Not all students at St. Mary’s Preparatory are Catholic, nor does a student need to be a Catholic to apply. We attend two required Catholic masses a week on Wednesday (7:30 AM) and Friday mornings (9:45 AM). We believe that those are the most important hours in our day as a school community. It allows us to be together in Jesus’ name, and assemble as a school community in the most holy of places: our Shrine Chapel. This is a wonderful time for us as Christians to sing the Lords praises, and to take a moment to reflect on our values, morals, goals and mission.

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    Community Service

    Christian Service Hours at St. Mary’s Preparatory:

    All students are required to complete mandatory service hours. St. Mary’s believes service is being called by a loving God to reflect His love in everyday life, especially in caring for the vulnerable and the poor as Jesus did in the Scriptures. In the service, the students are performing, they are asked to reach out to those less fortunate by volunteering their time and talents. St. Mary’s hope is that students will challenge themselves to help others and work for the betterment of the community.

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    Student Council

    The Student Council is responsible for hosting and promoting school spirit and events during the school year. It is the goal of the council to host one event per month to promote the Brotherhood of St. Mary's Prep through camaraderie and fellowship. Four members of each grade are elected to office.

    Elections are held in early September for grades 10-12, and early October for grade 9.

    Boys Division


    Faculty Moderators:
    Candace Castiglione ccastiglione@stmarysprep.com

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    Student Council

    The Student Council is responsible for hosting and promoting school spirit and events during the school year. Monthly events are held to encourage sisterhood amongst the Girls Division. Students are elected to the council each year.


    Elections are held in early September for grades 10-12, and early October for grade 9.

    Girls Division

    Faculty Moderators:
    Allison Richards arichards@stmarysprep.com
    Nick Gischia ngischia@stmaysprep.com

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    Guitar Club

    Guitar club is a club for students who share an interest in the guitar and/or similar instruments. This is a great opportunity to meet with and get to know fellow musicians. The club enjoys trading knowledge, playing music, making new friends.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Jim Shelp

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    Be Kind Club
    Girls Division

    The Be Kind Club is focused on mental health awareness and conversation to promote positive behavior amongst the student body. This is an opportunity for girls to engage in a group to deepen the sisterhood at OLSM.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Angela Azzato aazzato@stmarysprep.com

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    Athletes for Christ

    The Athletes for Christ student group is focused on keeping athletics in the proper perspective. Giving thanks to the Good Lord for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon the athletes and offering our service to the community through events such as the food drive are main components of the group. Meetings are centered around a specific bible passage and discussion follows on how to relate the reading to our lives as athletes.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Mark Lengel mlengel@stmarysprep.com

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    Student Pastoral

    Students assist weekly in the celebration of the Mass. Mass servers will learn how to prepare the Liturgy, proclaim the Readings, and serve the Mass as extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, cross and candle bearers.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Hannah Kenrick hkenrick@stmarysprep.com

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    Debate & Forensics

    As a member of the DCFL (Detroit Catholic Forensics League), we are active in high school speech and debate activities among eleven public and private high schools in Metro Detroit. This also allows us membership in the NCFL (National Catholic Forensic League), an organization that includes high schools all over the United States and Canada. For debate, we compete in Lincoln Douglas debate, which is similar to the structure and style of a case being tried in a courtroom. The debate season runs from September-early December. Not to be confused with forensic science, students who participate on the forensics side of the team compete in oratory and public speaking events. The categories we compete in include: Duo Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Original Oratory, Declamation, Oral Interpretation, and Extemporaneous Speaking. The forensics season starts in January and concludes with National Qualifiers at the end of the school year.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Armenia Howard ahoward@stmarysprep.com

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    Digital Media Club
    Boys Division

    The Digital Media Club works to enlighten, understand and utilize within our school community the knowledge and skills of communication and the digital social media world through innovative means. We aim to help create a campus community that is interested in and constantly learning about new digital media literacy content and topics. We also participate in a variety of media related events on campus


    Faculty Moderator:
    Russ Bone

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    Model UN

    Model UN is a simulation in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Students will work as the representative of a country, organization, or person, and must solve a problem with other delegates from around the world at a Model UN conference. MUN teaches skills like research, public speaking, debating, writing skills, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership all while engaging students in current world issues. Model UN is also competitive. Students conduct research before conferences: they must formulate position papers and create policy proposals that they will debate with other student delegates. After attending a conference with other schools, student delegates vote on written policies with the goal of passing them with a majority vote. The best-performing student delegates in each committee, as well as school delegations, are recognized with awards.


    Faculty Moderator:

    Mark Carroll mcarroll@stmarysprep.com

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    Tennis Club
    Girls Division

    In this club, we will have fun playing inter-squad matches and practicing tennis skills. All experience levels are welcome to join. Participants can play as often or as little as they like, but preference will be given to those who show up daily!


    Faculty Moderator:
    Austin Weaver aweaver@stmarysprep.com

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    Skeet/Sporting Clays Team-Boys Division

    The coaching staff of the Orchard Lake Clays (skeet/sporting clays team) has scheduled an introductory fall event for returning sporting clay/skeet members and any interested students who would like to learn about the team. The event is on October 15th at The Detroit Sportsmen’s Congress in Utica at 1:00 pm. The coaches will provide all necessary equipment. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Greg at 313-477-4158 or greg@metrowelding.com.


    Faculty Moderator:

    Greg Stoneback (alumni parent)

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    Fine Arts Club

    The Fine Arts Club participates in campus and community fine art events and projects. Students will meet one or two times a month in the Art Room (Dorm 100).


    Faculty Moderator:
    Julia Saldana

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    Sisters in Christ
    Girls Division

    Sisters in Christ is a student led group that meets in the library on Tuesdays during seminar hour. Sisters in Christ is a group that incorporates prayer, discussion, service opportunities, including campus recycling, throughout the year.


    Faculty Moderator:

    Hannah Kenrick hkenrick@stmarysprep.com

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    Skeet/Sporting Clays Team-Boys Division

    The coaching staff of the Orchard Lake Clays (skeet/sporting clays team) has scheduled an introductory fall event for returning sporting clay/skeet members and any interested students who would like to learn about the team. The event is on October 15th at The Detroit Sportsmen’s Congress in Utica at 1:00 pm. The coaches will provide all necessary equipment. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Greg at 313-477-4158 or greg@metrowelding.com.


    Faculty Moderator:

    Greg Stoneback (alumni parent)

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    National Honors Society-Boys Division

    The National Honor Society is an organization of students that have excellent academic standing as well as service to their school and community. NHS promotes leadership, service, character, and scholarship. Eligible Juniors and Seniors, with a cumulative GPA of 3.70 or above, are given an application in both the Fall and Winter semesters. Students must complete the application in a timely manner. A committee of administrators and faculty assess each application prior to acceptance. An Induction Ceremony is held in the Spring for new members. We volunteer throughout the year at various events on campus and in the community.


    Faculty Moderator:

    Ashley Yenor ayenor@stmarysprep.com

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    National Honors Society-Girls Division

    The National Honor Society is an organization of students that have excellent academic standing as well as service to their school and community. NHS promotes leadership, service, character, and scholarship. Eligible Juniors and Seniors, with a cumulative GPA of 3.70 or above, are given an application in both the Fall and Winter semesters. Students must complete the application in a timely manner. A committee of administrators and faculty assess each application prior to acceptance. An Induction Ceremony is held in the Spring for new members. We volunteer throughout the year at various events on campus and in the community.


    Faculty Moderator:
    Ashley Yenor ayenor@stmarysprep.com

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    Intramural Sports
    Boys Division

    Intramural Sports are organized recreational sports leagues that allow students to participate in flag football and basketball. We exist to offer opportunities for health and exercise, social interaction, stress reduction, sportsmanship, teamwork, and healthy competition. Student Council will announce when the leagues begin. Typically, flag football is late October and basketball late January.


    Sponsor Organization:
    Student Council

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    Have an idea for a new club?

    We are always looking for ways to enhance the student experience at OLSM through clubs and extracurriculars. If you have a particular interest or idea in starting a club, please let us know.


    Boys/Girls Division club ideas, please see Mrs. Candace Castiglione